Friday, May 10, 2013

Mobius Headwrap


Stitches to know-

Hdc-half double crochet
FPDC-front post double crochet
BPDC-back post double crochet
LHdc-Long half double crochet
I used Red Hart WW yarn with an I hook

Ch 60 and join

Row 1) Turn chain slightly so the "bump" of the chain is showing ontop, ch1, Hdc in each bump of the chain. Do not join. (see photo below)

When you get to the top of the hdc, you will turn it toward you 180 degrees so the first hdc is upside-down and work hdc in each chain on the reverse side. (This will put the natural twist in the headwrap).

Row 2) Ch 2, FPDC (YO, insert hook in on right side of previous hdc around to the left side of hdc -your hook should be "behind" the hdc stitch- YO, pull through 2 loops, YO pull through last 2 loops). FPDC around each hdc until you reach the ch2, then join.

Row 3) Turn work, ch2, Lhdc (YO, insert hook in top of previous hdc, YO and pull through all 3 loops). Lhdc in each stitch around and join beg ch 2.

Row 4-7) repeat rows 2 & 3.

I do give permission make and sell what you make as long as you give me credit for the pattern. Thank you, Alicia from Hooked2yarn @2013

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