Thursday, May 16, 2013

V's and Clusters 12 in square

I am in a square swap group on Ravelry.  I have been in it for 3 years now and LOVE it.  This year I have made a lot of squares from my own little mind.  Here is my latest.  The colors were bright green and grey because she is doing a zombie theme blanket for her 16 yr old son.  I cant wait to see it all done.  So this is what I came up with and thought I would share the pattern.  Please let me know if you run into any problems or have any questions.  Have fun!!

V’s and Clusters

12 inch square

Gauge – 6 rows 11 dc = 4x4 worked in worsted weight such as Red Heart

 V stitch-dc, ch 1, dc

Beg Cluster-pull up a loop, YO insert hook into same stitch, YO pull through YO pull through 2 loops, YO insert hook into same stitch, YO pull through YO pull through 2 loops, YO pull through last two loops, ch1.

Cluster-YO insert hook into next stitch indicated, YO pull through, YO pull through 2 loops, YO insert hook into same stitch, YO pull through, YO pull through 2 loops, YO insert hook into same stitch, YO pull through, YO pull through  2 loops, YO pull through 4 loops on hook, ch1. 

Rnd 1) Ch 4 join to make a loop
Rnd 2) 8 sc inside loop, join with sl into first sc. (8sc)
Rnd 3) Ch 1 (does not count) 2hdc in each st around.  Join w/ 1st hdc (16 hdc)

From here alternate rounds between V’s and Cluster’s changing colors with each new round.

Rnd 4) This is the first corner.  Ch 4 (counts as dc, ch1) dc, ch 1, V, * skip next stitch, V, skip next stitch V, skip next stitch, V, ch 1, V * repeat between * 3 more times.  Join to 3rd chain in beg.  Fasten off.  (16 V’s)

Rnd 5) Join with CC in any corner (between V’s).  ch1, pull up loop for Beg cluster, ch2, Cluster in same space.  *Cluster in ch 1 space of V stitches to next corner, Cluster, ch2, Cluster in corner space* repeat 3 more times.  Join to ch1 of Cluster.  Fasten off (24 clusters)

Rnd 6) Join with MC in any corner space, ch 4 (counts as dc, ch1) dc, ch1, V, *V stitch in ch 1 space between clusters to the corner.   V, ch1, V in each corner space* repeat 3 more times. Fasten off (28 V’s)

Rnd 7) Repeat round 5,  ending with 36 clusters. 

Rnd 8) Repeat round 6, ending with 40 V’s

Rnd 9) Repeat round 5, ending with 48 Clusters. 

Rnd 10) Repeat round 6, ending with 52 V’s fasten off and weave in ends.

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